Sanlam Group Risk Loyalty Benefits
Sanlam Group Risk values the relationships and partnerships built with our clients and members over many years and would like to reward members for their loyalty. Sanlam Group Risk has therefore further enhanced its unique value proposition to policyholders and members. The enhancement simultaneously addresses the numerous data and operational changes required to comply with the revised Policyholder Protection Rules (PPR).
The revised PPR, which came into effect in 2018, require insurers to keep policyholders and members of group schemes appropriately informed of their risk benefits before and after the inception and throughout the duration of the policy. Upon termination and replacement of the existing policy, the new insurer must inform the members of all material changes to their existing benefits and/or terms and conditions as well as the reasons for the differences, before entering into the group scheme policy.
In order to provide this communication in an engaging way that not only educates members but also provides additional value to them, Sanlam Group Risk has partnered with Sanlam Reality, South Africa’s second largest loyalty programme, to offer members of our group schemes exclusive value adding services.
Reality Access for Sanlam Group Risk is a loyalty programme launched on 1 June 2019, which provides Sanlam Group Risk members with value-added services, product information, articles, calculators and tools to ensure that they are well informed regarding their group risk benefits.
Reality Access for Sanlam Group Risk offers members the following exclusive services and discounts:
All members of a Sanlam Group Risk policy automatically qualify for Reality Access for Sanlam Group Risk, and are pre-registered (subject to an online validation) using the identity numbers and contact details (e-mail and mobile number) provided by their employers or funds in terms of the PPR.
The PPR require the insurer to collect and store full monthly member data, including identity numbers, email addresses and mobile phone numbers for each member, which will allows members to seamlessly claim the services and savings of Reality Access for Sanlam Group Risk.
Employers and funds that elect not to provide the insurer with the member contact information, will be required to enter into a service level agreement with the insurer, whereby they commit to comply with data, communication and record keeping requirements of the PPR.