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EBnet Employee Benefits Network

Prescient credited for its BEE and investment performance credentials

In our 21st anniversary year, we are delighted to achieve two significant milestones that confirm our commitment to delivering results for our clients seeking certainty in an uncertain world.

During September, Prescient Investment Management was included in the industry-leading 2019 27four BEE Survey in recognition of our strong empowerment credentials and status as a large BEE investment manager in South Africa. This was not long after receiving industry recognition for the consistent performance of some of our funds, which have delivered favourable returns on behalf of our clients.

We are delighted to be included in the 27four BEE Survey for the first time. It independently verifies our elevated empowerment credentials after investment holding company, Sithega Holdings (Pty) Ltd, became a significant shareholder and partner in the business in April.

The deal places Prescient in a favourable position to transition to its next growth phase as an empowered, multi-national investment manager that consistently delivers performance ahead of expectations.

The well-regarded annual 27four BEE industry survey showcases the leading BEE asset managers and how they are changing the asset management environment for the better.

As a leading BEE manager, we are wholeheartedly committed to offering our talent opportunities to flourish and stretch themselves in our team-based investment environment. We are in the privileged position of having a balance of experience and young dynamism in our investment team – the perfect recipe for navigating all market conditions and delivering consistent returns.

In late July, Prescient was recognised in the Quarterly PlexCrown Fund Rating Survey as the leading South African asset manager of actively managed unit trust funds.

The results of the PlexCrown Fund Rating Survey released at the end of July were based on risk-adjusted performance over five years, taking into account consistency of performance and the amount of risk a manager takes in achieving that performance during the second quarter of 2019.

This acknowledgment is confirmation that our team-based approach and core philosophy of capital preservation and the management of relative and absolute downside risk is still working and has been for more than two decades.

Since founded in 1998 as an entrepreneurial investment management company focused on managing interest-bearing and positive return mandates, we have grown substantially into a highly regarded, full-spectrum investment management business.

We now offer a compelling multi-asset class capability as well as access to new and diversified markets, such as China. We are also looking to explore opportunities in the alternative investment space as we enter our next growth phase.

We are excited to explore all the new opportunities that are opening up in today’s fast-changing world. We believe that our strong BEE credentials and performance track record position us well to deliver on retirement fund trustee aspirations to support BEE while achieving consistently superior returns for their members.



  • Prescient Investment Management (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 612)

  • This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of any offer to issue or sell or any solicitation of any offer to subscribe for or purchase any particular investments. Opinions expressed in this document may be changed without notice at any time after publication. We therefore disclaim any liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable directly or indirectly to the use of or reliance upon the information.

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