Warning to investors to be on the alert for fraud attempts
In difficult economic times, and particularly now during the COVID-19 pandemic and Lockdown, incidences of fraud are unfortunately on the rise. We urge investors to be on the alert for suspicious communications or requests for information, and to be extra cautious before parting with hard earned money for investment promises that are too good to be true.
Please be advised that Ashburton Investments is a long term investment manager and we will never:
Interact with prospective clients via whatsapp - only via our official company channels (telephonically or email via our client contact centre) during normal business hours.
Make a promise of quick returns or put a guaranteed number to expected returns.
Ask you to share your log in information with us.
Ask you to pay money into a bank account of an individual or any third parties. We only accept payments into our bank accounts which are stipulated on our official documentation.
Release any funds from your investment account without the necessary authorisation from account owners
If in any doubt, particularly about requests to share your personal information, please contact your usual Ashburton Investment representative immediately before you take any action.
Alternatively you may contact our service teams at the contact details listed below:
South African investments: query@ashburton.co.za or call us on +27 860 000 339
International investments: international@ashburton.co.za or call us on +27 11 282 1512
If you receive a suspicious whatsappp message, social media message, a call or an email that you are concerned about, don't respond but rather get in touch with us straight away.
Please take a moment to think before you act.