Emerging Asset Manager Survey Listed Investments - May 2020
Hope you are keeping safe.
Welcome to our May 2020 survey, for this survey we have introduced a more focused universe of participating asset managers and a reference to the “Mainstream Median”.
Mainstream median means the middle number in a sorted list, ascending or descending, for investment returns of strategies with market value above R50 billion.
We would love to hear your comments and feedback on our survey.
We have been watching some of the developments at some of the larger asset managers with much interest.
At Motswedi we spend up to 75% of our research time focused on researching Emerging and Transformed Asset Managers, the rest is spent on the larger traditional managers. This places us in a unique position to see the major defining events and manager changes in our primary universe in time for actionable steps to be taken.
We have constructed well diversified multi-managed solutions which aim to meet long-term objectives and invests in the best ESG compliant Black Asset Managers in the country...
Our view of the Emerging Asset Management space in South Africa.
Now more than ever, please stay safe and stay calm.
Kind regards,
Mark Davids
Investment Strategy and Distribution
Cell: 083 222 9913
Tel: (010)110 8768
Fax: 011 656 1165
Email: davidsm@motswedi.co.za
Website: www.motswedi.co.za